Texas Music Teachers Association

Conference Activities

Student Conference Activities take place during the TMTA Conference each June. Student Affiliate membership is not required for these events. Students receive one point each year per activity in which they participate. These points accumulate towards the TMTA Student Affiliate State Participation Award.

All-Star Festival

The All-Star Festival provides a performance opportunity for piano, voice, and instrumental students in a fun and noncompetitive setting.  Any student who receives a “Superior” or “1” rating in a local association, NFMC, or UIL festival during the school year is eligible to participate. Students will receive a critique from a TMTA Collegiate Student Chapter member and a gold medal for a Superior rating or a silver medal for an Excellent rating.  

Chamber Music Clinic

The Chamber Music Clinic is a non-competitive workshop, designed to encourage collaborations between instruments and/or vocalists. Chamber music ensembles will perform for a renowned chamber music clinician and receive feedback and suggestions in order to perfect further the art of chamber music playing. Chamber ensembles are also encouraged to enter The June Leondar Contest. Participants receive a certificate.

Conference Projects

Students at any grade level may submit Conference Project entries on any music-related theme. They may work on the project individually or as a group of two to six students. Completed projects are most often presented on a tri-fold, but may be presented as a poster board, game, art, composition, booklet, or other tangible item which will be displayed during the annual TMTA Conference. Participants receive a certificate of participation and a medal.

Digital Keyboard Orchestra

The Digital Keyboard Orchestra Reading Session (DKO) is a noncompetitive participation activity that features group ensemble sight-reading of music written for keyboard orchestra. Reading sessions will be held during the TMTA Conference at elementary, intermediate, and advanced levels. All students will be awarded a certificate of participation.  

June Leondar Contest

The June Leondar Chamber Music/Ensemble Contest’s goals are to promote interest and education in original classical literature and to encourage more opportunity for collaborative arts. There are three categories: piano duets/duos (classical music), mixed chamber groups (classical music), and jazz/pop ensembles. Winners receive cash prizes.

Student Pages

Student pages are 7th-12th graders that volunteer four or more hours during the TMTA Conference. Students may act as monitors for the All-Star Festival or Leondar Contest, sell materials at the SA Booth, serve as runners for the Ensemble programs, or do other tasks needed to help events run smoothly. Three students who volunteer the most hours earn cash prizes.  

Conference Activities entry forms will be available for logged in members only under the Conference tab from March 15-April 15.  Student page sign-up will be posted in May.

IMPORTANT:  All entries must be submitted to the state by the teacher.

For more information or questions:

  • Students and parents: Contact your teacher.
  • Teachers: Refer to the TMTA Handbook or contact the TMTA Office.