On-site at the Houston Hyatt Regency during the Conference
Those who pre-register will find their badges at the registration desk in the lower level Marketplace at the downtown Houston Hyatt Regency. Ensemble and Performance Contest participants and guests should arrive early enough to get their badges, which are required for entry into the rooms.
Those registering on or before May 7 receive a discounted price!
Who should register?
Everyone attending the Conference must register. This includes anyone attending ensemble concerts, performance contests, dress rehearsals, guest artist recitals, etc. The only events NOT requiring a badge are the Jo Ann Dunn Fargason Memorial Concert on Thursday and the Senior Awards Reception on Saturday.
Participating students need not register separately for the conference. Their event registration doubles as their conference registration.
Parents and guests must register to attend any event in which their child is participating.
How much is registration?
Teachers are $125 on or before May 7 and $155 after.
Teacher one-day passes are $65.
Collegiate students are free.
Adult guests are $12 on or before May 7 and $18 after.
Senior guests and non-participating students 6+ are $6.
Children under 6 are free.
Registration is non-refundable.
Where should we stay?
The downtown Houston Hyatt Regency is the official Conference site. Conference attendees will enjoy the special rates of $155 per night plus tax before the group rate cut-off of May 25, 2025. After this date, reservations will be on a space- and rate-available basis.
Valet parking with in and out privileges will be available at a discounted rate for TMTA attendees.